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Official title: A New ENTRance
Agreement number: 2016-1-DE02-KA204-003370
Duration: September 2016 – August 2018
Applicant: JugendStil eV. – Germany
Germany: JugendStil e.V. (NGO)
Romane Anglonipe (NGO)
Greece: iED – Larissa (NGO)
Muncipality of Larissa
Hungary: HEEDA (NGO)
BKMCÖ (Kiskunhalas)
Romania: Vox Civica Association (NGO)
CCIA – Buzau
Within the two years GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership “A new ENTRans”, it was detected by surveys among the target groups and relevant stakeholders that specific entrepreneurship courses for Roma do not exist in the partner countries; that existing entrepreneurship offers do not meet the specific needs of Roma. That leads to the situation that on one hand according potentials remain unused and that on the other hand Roma who set-up their own business fail. As a result, the entrepreneurship rates of Roma are negligible – and not only compared with the majority but also compared with the entrepreneurship rates of migrants. Therefore, many Roma are still stopped from self-employment as alternative to unemployment, social exclusion and poverty. The Strategic Partnership will adequately respond to this need.
Besides, adult educators shall be enabled to implement the newly developed and accredited/certified entrepreneurship courses for Roma in the long run and to permanently train multipliers.
European added value:
- first specific entrepreneurship courses for Roma;
- self-evaluation tool as instrument for the check of their aptitude as entrepreneur;
- “101 of entrepreneurship” as guideline for the way into self-employment as download document;
- products in the partner languages, English and Romanes.
The most important objective of the project is the following:
– development of the entrepreneurial spirit among Roma people as a anternative to the their difficult access on the labor market because of some general issues of Roma such as the reduced level of education and the lack of a professional background.
Here are, the teaching, training and promotion events in our project
- Multiplier Events – Workshops
– “A new ENTRance” workshops will be realised with involvement of the partner organisations as well as at least 20 stakeholders (e.g. representatives of educational institu-tions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, labour administrations, Roma Communities, NGO etc.) in the partner countries and are particularly of the purpose of informing about, dealing with, transferring and distributing of the Intellectual Outputs. - Information Events for Roma
– The two events per partner country are planned for information about, dealing with, transferring and distributing of the Intellectual Outputs to the target group (50 per partner country) and to acquire participants for the Test Phases. - European Contact Stock-Exchange
– The Contact Stock-Exchange will take place during the Mid-term Meeting and shall promote the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practise both between entrepreneurs, Roma-entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs, between educational institutions and other stakeholders and between the stakeholders and the target group. The participants come from the partner countries and other European countries. Besides, collective knowledge, particu-larly concerning the optimisation of the Intellectual Outputs, can be collected during the Contact Stock-Exchange. - Pilot Training
– During the Pilot Training, 16 actors of the education and labour market, partly Roma themselves, will be trained particularly concerning the implementation of entrepreneurship courses for the target group. Besides, they will be dealing with the developed self-evaluation tool.
– The Pilot Training is also of the purpose to optimise the training material that are at the same time the basis for the Multiplier Trainings in the partner countries.
– The Pilot Training will be held by experienced trainers and experts of the Fed-eral Association of Entrepreneurs in Germany, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bács-Kiskun County and of the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development. It makes both the building-up of national training teams and the intercul-tural exchange of the participants with consideration of the European context possible
– The participants – experienced and accordingly qualified actors of the educa-tion and labour market, partly Roma themselves – receive an according certifi-cate after a successful finalisation of the Pilot Training.
The target – group of the project include
- Roma and non-Roma people:
– adult Roma with entrepreneur aptitude;
– adult educators; - Relevant stakeholders:
– adult education institutions;
– chambers of commerce and industry respectively chambers of handicrafts;
– networks of local start-ups;
– labour administrations;
– banks, fund administrators.
The main intellectual outputs developed within the project are:
- IO1 – Curricula for entrepreneurship courses for Roma in the partner countries;
- IO2 – Self-evaluation test for potential business starters as online-tool and for downloading;
- IO3 – The 101 of entrepreneurship as brochure and for downloading;
- IO4 – Training material for the Pilot Training and Multiplier Trainings.
All Intellectual Outputs will be developed newly because comparable products do not exist yet. IO1 and IO3 will be available in Romanes as well, in addition to the partner languages and English.
- Adult education offers meeting the needs of our target group;
- Increasing the entrepreneurship rate of Roma people;
- Increasing the number of successful Start-ups of Roma people;
- Reduction of unemployment, social exclusion, discrimination and poverty;
- Extension of the range of offers of the involved adult education institutions;
- Improvement of interdisciplinary cooperation among local stakeholders in the benefit of the target group;
- Improvement the cooperation among stakeholders and the target group;
- Development of the already established Networks of Start-ups with parallel ensuring of sus-tainability;
- Possibility of the nation-wide use of the developed Curricula in the partner countries due to the Accreditation/Certification;
- Promotion of the EU 2020 Strategy and the EU Framework for national Roma Integration Strategies for the next financial exercise.
- free access to all the results and products of the project;
- a targeted distribution of the project results and products in according with national and European portals and networks;
- up-dating and further development of the self-evaluation tool by the project Partners after the end of the project;
- work development in established Networks of Business Start-up based on according written agreements after the end of the project;
- long-term ensuring of the financing of the developed entrepreneurship courses through the involved project partners that are active at the national level.
- Kick-off Meetings in Plauen, DE (December 2017)
- Partners Meeting in Buzau, RO (March 2018)
- Partners Meeting in Larissa, GR (June 2018)
- Partners Meeting in Kiskunhalas, HU (December 2018)
- Partners Meeting in Plauen, DE (January 2019)
- Final Meeting in Plauen, DE (August 2019)

“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”

“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”

“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”