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Official title: The national anchoring of ROMINKO
Agreement number: 2018-1-DE02-KA204-005133
Duration: September 2018 – August 2020 (extended until August 31, 2021 due to the pandemic)
Applicant: JugendStil eV. – Germany
Germany: JugendStil e.V. (NGO)
Slovakia: Association for Career Guidance (NGO)
Greece: Ellan Passe (NGO)
Hungary: HEEDA (NGO)
Romania: Vox Civica Association (NGO)
National Agency for Roma
Both, KOMPASS and ROMINKO projects showed that:
a) Competence Balance according to the French model is very well accepted by Roma;
b) more than 50 per cent of the participating Roma could be mediated into the labour market or education;
c) however, in Greece, Hungary and Romania Competence Balance is anchored only at the local level;
d) if we want to have more and better results in this field we have to cover nation-wide with Competence Balances centres;
– The stakeholders at the national level are not yet sufficiently informed or sensitised.
– Thus, the project aims at nothing less than the anchoring of Competence Balance at the national level in Greece, Hungary and Romania.
– The motivation of Roma to participate in Competence Balance and to attend it until the end was a challenge in both above-mentioned projects.
– They cannot really see the final benefit of Competence Balance. Resignation, former disappointments, mistrust in measures of the majority and the necessary time investment strengthen this.
– Until now, mainly material or financial stimuli are used that are partly not effective as well.
– Therefore, a high need for effective motivation instruments for actors involved in the implementation of adult education measures (Competence Councillors, mediators, labour office staff) exists.
The most important objective of the project is the following:
– anchoring the procedures of Competence Balance according to French Model in the Partner countries; the Competence Balance is a way of assessment of the formal but particularly of the non-formal and informal abilities and skills of people without education or with a precare education and without a formal professional background. professional background.
Here are, the learning, teaching and training events in our project
1. Introductory Training
– Introducing Competence Balance according to the French model to the staff of Ministries or National Labour Offices
– Introducing available labour market instruments to the staff of the Competence Balance Centres
2. Pilot Training
– 3 staff of authorities and 1 Competence Councillor each from the partner countries
– Training of the participants as Competence Councillors
3. Training on the motivation of Roma
– 1 staff of authorities and 3 Competence Councillors each from the partner countries
– Intense training on the use of motivation strategies (Handbook)
The target – group of the project include Roma and non-Roma people, such as:
– Labour administration staff, career guides, labour consultants, job mediators;
– Competence Councillors and mediators;
– Adult Roma and non-Roma people.
The main intellectual outputs developed within the project are:
Model guidelines for the implementation of Competence Balance according to the French model at the national level – responsible: FECBOP, National Labour Administration of Slovakia, JugendStil, national entities
• Elaboration of national guidelines fitting both the national labour market instruments and the National Roma Integration Strategy including financial planning
• Model implementation of Competence Balances in one labour office district (test phase)
Handbook for labour market actors “Competence Balance according to the French model” – responsible: FECBOP, National Labour Administration of Slovakia, JugendStil
• Explanation of the methods and procedures of Competence Balance
• Compilation of selected tests, group and individual exercises
• Model of Competence Portfolio, Synthesis Paper and Action Plan
Guide „Motivation of Roma in adult education measures” with the emphasis Competence Balance – responsible: FECBOP, JugendStil, Ellan Passe, HEEDA, Vox Civica
Material for the Pilot Training and Multiplier Trainings – responsible: FECBOP, JugendStil
Transnational project meetings:
- Kick-off Meetings and Introductory Training in Kiskunhalas, DE (October 2018
- Partners Meeting in Bucharest, RO (April 2019)
- Partners Meeting in Athens, GR (June 2019)
- Partners Meeting in Bratislava, SK (September 2019)
- Partners Meeting in Plauen, DE (November 2019)
- Final Meeting in Athens, GR (August 2021)
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”