On 11th April 2019, in Bucharest, at the headquarter of Romanian Agency for Roma, started the second Partner Meeting within ROMINKO II project. To this activities all the Parners attended with two representatives. Taking into account the calendar of the project, the discussion followed the main topics of the implementation, such as:
- the stage of elaboration of the National Strategies of Competence Balance according the French procedures;
- introduction of the structure of the Handbook for Labour Market Experts;
- foundation of the Transnational Work Group “Handbook” and distribution of tasks;
- introduction of the Intellectual Output 3 “Guideline for the Motivation of Roma in adult education measures”;
- World Café on the Motivation of Roma in adult education measures;
- Foundation of the Transnational Work Group “Guideline” and distribution of tasks;
With this occasion, were fixed the dates of the following meetings, training and conferences wich will be organized during this year such as:
- Partner Meeting, in Greece (Athens) – 13.06 – 17.06 2019
- Pilot Training of the Competence Balance councillors, in Hungary (Kiskunhalas) – 15.09 – 25.09 2019
- International Conference, in Slovakia (Bratislava) – 10.09 – 14.09 2019
- Training of the councillors, in Germany (Plauen) – 28.11 – 10.12 2019
Also, were debated other administrative and financial aspects of the project implementation.
[…] V Bukurešti som si uvedomila, že na Slovensku máme veľa možností, ktoré iné (dokonca ani niektoré susedné krajiny) nemajú. Z týchto príležitostí sme mali možnosť nazbierať skúsenosti, ktoré môžeme šíriť ďalej či už na Slovensku alebo na medzinárodných podujatiach i projektoch. O našom projektovom meetingu píše aj naša partnerská organizácia z Rumunska. […]