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Iosif Călin, the Chairman of Vox Civica, is a native Roma individual, who recognized their etnicity since college, in comunist period. He is married, has two childresn and three grandsons. He worked as a teacher of History and Social Sciences after graduation till 2001 when he started working in local administration.
Since 2010, when he, together with other Roma native people, set up Vox Civica Association, he started to work in the field of civil society, being involved in many projects, individualy or as partner, with Vox Civica.
Iosif is an individual well known in the local environment, this visibility being due of his activity as counselor to the Cabinet of the Mayor of Buzău Municipality and as well to the Cabinet of Prefect (the representative of the government in the territory); he has owned, during his stay at the Cabinet of Prefect the position of spokesman and relations with media. Since 2012 was involved in many foreign relations in the field of NGO due to his knowledge about the Roma issues, both at local level and at national level.
Through Vox Civica, Iosif developed many partnerships with many foreign NGO and public institutions which target people in vulnerable groups, particularly Roma people.