In order to meet the needs of young people who want to continue their studies, Vox Civica can keep you up to date with all kinds of accessible scholarships, especially for young people from disadvantaged groups, but also with scholarships available for young people wishing to study abroad.
What do you have to do? Please, contact us at least 5 months before the end of the 12th grade, for the youngsters who did not gratuated yet, and in the months of March or April, for the youngsters who already graduated (for the academic year for which you apply), on contacts available on the site and we will give you all the necessary help and information.

The „Second Chance” Programs are dedicated to the people who did not manage to finalize their mandatory education. So, for this kind of people, having sixteen or fourty, the educational system provide the possibility of continuing the studies by this program and they can obtain a diploma. The participants can graduate two classes in one year, so it is an advantage (If you need only a class for obtain a diploma, you have to graduate an entire school year). The attendance to the courses is mandatory and if they have many lack they can repeat the school year.
For that, they must contact us in order to explain for them in detail the procedures and the school institutions which organize such courses. (Please, take account not all schools have such courses).


The Programs, as they are known, are destinated to the students who have family difficult situation people and need help in order to prepare their lessons and to spends their free time through extra curricular activities, lead by teachers from the school.
Such activities are not regulated at national level but they can be implemented besides all the schools if they have available spaces and funds for pay the teachers and to provide for the students a lunch or other foods, during their stay.
There are, also, private „After School” programs, organized outside the schools, payed, but only for the families who want that.
Please, contact us if you want more information.



Since 1998 the Ministry of Education has allocated for the young Roma who graduated both of secondary school or high school, special places to the high schools or in universities, for the young Roma students who want to continue their studies in high schools or to higher education.
For that, the students must be Roma or from mixed families, to recognize and assume their ethnicity and to present an attestation of this, from a Roma recognized organization.
In this way, they participate to the competition only with Roma students and have more many chances to be admitted in the high school or universities.
For more information, we are at your disposal.

“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”