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Official title: RomABC goes Europe!
Agreement number: 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002381
Duration: September 2015 – August 2017
Applicant: Kontacte fur Europa (NGO)
Germany:      BVAG (NGO)
Portugal:       IEBA (NGO)
Red Cross (NGO)
Hungary:      HEEDA (NGO)
BKMCÖ (Kiskunhalas)
Romania:     Vox Civica Association (NGO)
School Inspectorate Buzau

When we drafted this project we took into account the following:

  • the rate of illiterate people in vulnerable groups is increasingly in all the Partner countries;
  • the rate of illiterate Roma people is much more than the average of the illiterate people in the Partner countries:
  • till now was not drafted dedicated programs for reducing the illiteracy among people in vulnerable groups, focused on Roma;
  • all the Partners in the project have expertise in education activities for people in vulnerable groups.

As well, we have to mention that:

  • many Roma people are disappointed and they mistrust in the measures taken by the authorities in order to improve their situation;
  • even if some local school institutions tied to organize courses for reducing the illiteracy among Roma, they do not fit the need of these people;
  • we have to take account by the particularities of these social group and to try to attract it to the project activities, even by including some material incentives.


The most important objective of the project was the following:

– reducing of the number of functional illiterates among adult Roma in the Partner countries in order to increase their chances to access labour market

Here are, the learning, teaching and training events in our project

1. Introductory Training
– Presentation of the main lines of the project;
2. Pilot Training
– three member staff of the NGOs partners and one member of the school institutions involved in the project will become school mediators for Roma communities
3. Testing Phase
– ten Roma and non-Roma adults will be involved in the testiong phase of the project in order to confirm the procedures of combating illiteracy among Roma and non-Roma


The target – group of the project include Roma and non-Roma people, such as: 

– teachers who work with Roma adult people;
– education and social mediators;
– adult Roma and non-Roma people.

The main intellectual outputs developed within the project are:

Drafting the Basis Curricula for increasing the literacy level of Roma people in the four Roma communities involved in the project

Drafting the Quality Standards for the application in alphabetisation measures for Roma illiterate people


Drafting the Coordination Concept including building-up and  establishment of local Networks Basic Education which include local stakeholders in the education field

Drafting the materials for the Pilot Training and the Multiplier Trainings


Transnational project meetings:

  1. Kick-off Meetings and Introductory Training in Buzău, RO (November 2015)
  2. Partners Meeting in Plauen, DE (April 2016)
  3. Partners Meeting in Kiskunhalas, HU (August 2016)
  4. Partners Meeting in Lisbon, PT (March 2017)
  5. Final Meeting in Plauen, DE (August 2017)
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”