Between 04th – 08th October 2020, in Plauen (Germany), occurred the Kick-off meeting within Roma HEALTH Care II Project, financed by Erasmus+ Programme KA2 (Strategic Partnership for the development of innovation (Adult Education).
Within this first meeting, were discussed the main aspects of the project, such as:
- Were presented the partners involved in the project;
- The budget and the contractual regulations;
- The Coordination and Management Plan of the project;
- Was achieved an Introductory Training concerning the Health Mediation in the Partner Countries;
- Was done a short introduction of the Curriculum already developed in Bulgaria;
- Were founded F of the transnational thematic work groups „Curriculum“ and „Handbook”.
Romanian Partners, Vox Civica and Buzău Municipality, were represented by Mr. Claudiu Călin and Mr. Iosif Călin and respectively, by Mrs. Ana-Maria Coman and Mrs. Cristina Zaman from Projects Department.
For a more comprehensively understanding of the philosophy of the project, here are, below, the main information.
Project Duration:
- 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023
- Germany: JugendStil e.V. (Applicant NGO)
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian Family Planning Association (NGO)
- Greece: Panhellenic Federation of Greek Roma – Ellan Passe (NGO)
- Municipality of Halandri (Public Institution)
- Hungary: Association for the Promotion of Human Resources (NGO)
- Municipality of Melykut (Public Institution)
- North Macedonia: SUMNAL Association (NGO)
- Municipality of Bitola (Public Institution)
- Romania: Vox Civica Association (NGO)
- Municipality of Buzau (Public Institution)
The strategic partnership „Roma HEALTH Care II“ is one of the according follow-up projects. Basically, it aims at the improvement of the health situation of Roma in the partner countries. Among others, it shall particularly lead to:
- raising the share of Roma obtaining a health insurance
- improving the physical fitness and nutrition
- increasing the number of Roma making use of available cancer prevention measures
- raising the vaccination status of adult Roma
- decreasing the number of addicted Roma respectively of Roma who are threatened by addictions
- reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies and the risk of venereal diseases
- improving the dental hygiene.
- establishing Community Health Centers in the Roma communities involved in the project;
- developing a Curriculum for the Training of the mediators who will work within Community Health Centers;
- training of the Health Mediators selected from the Roma Communities involved in the project;
- developing a Handbook, as a tool necessary for health mediator`s work;
- drafting a Roma Health Action Plan which will be assumed by the Municipalities by Local Council Decisions;
- multiplier events.
Target – group:
- adult Roma people (beneficiaries, health mediators, multipliers, experts);
- trainers;
- relevant stakeholders:
- – municipalities;
- – adult education institutions;
- – roma Communities/Self-Governments, Roma NGO;
- – different NGO (sport, culture, nutrition …);
- – hospitals, medical institutions;
- – welfare organisations etc.
Intellectual Outputs:
- IO1 Curriculum for the training of Health Mediators
- IO2 Handbook for Health Mediators
- IO3 Model Action Plan Health for local Roma communities including concept for the establishment of Community Health Centers
- IO4 Concept for Mobility Projects (KA1)
Transnational project meetings:
- Kick-off Meetings in Plauen, DE (October 2020
- Partners Meeting in Halandri, GR (May 2021)
- Partners Meeting in Sofia, BG (November 2021)
- Partners Meeting in Kiskunhalas, HU (June 2022)
- Partners Meeting in Buzau, RO (November 2022)
- Final Meeting in Bitola, Northern Republic of Macedonia (July 2023)